Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Summer Trip to Oregon

Just a quick trip up to Oregon.  We are going to have some time with my sister in Salem and enjoy a week or two out near Odell Lake.
First stop is in Coburg Oregon.  Our friends the Hughes are picking up their new2016 Bounder RV.  This is their second Bounder.....the first one was a lemon!  A big Lemon.  However, they are being compensated for their misery with a new 2016. We have to meet them and check the new rig out.
Champagne is called for!
Now on to Salem to see my sis and her husband.  From there we are going to go out to Crescent Lake/Odell Lake for a week or two.

We stayed at the Hoo Doo state campsite in Crescent.  It is part of the Hoo Doo ski area.  Nestled in the pine trees and very pretty.   Lots of fires burning up here.  We took a trip to see Crater Lake and it was hard to see!

We rented a pontoon boat and putted around the lake trying to find some fish.  No luck! 

We had a friendly visitor one night. 

We got home and about a month later we found some little poops in the back bathroom..... a little mouse found its way into our coach.  Only that evidence of its presence. 
It isn't here now.  First time in 20+ years we have had a little visitor. Let's keep up the good luck!