Sunday, November 10, 2019

October and November in Havasu and Pismo

First time we have been able to enjoy our place in Havasu during the month of October.  Wonderful boating weather.  There is a hobby in Havasu having to do with decorating rocks and then leaving them around the town and in the desert for others to find.  Here a couple cute ones for Halloween.

While in Havasu there is always a car show.  This car in October and it is owned by someone from Oregon that also lives in our RV resort.
Winning Car
We ended the month by traveling up to Pismo to meet our Blender friends.  We also were joined by our good friends from North Carolina,  the Meesters.  They were out here in their RV to visit.
Great time of year to enjoy the fall harvest.

The large group stayed together at Pismo Coast Village and then went over to the Oceana Elks for a few more days.  We also spent the last few days at Morro Strand.  We love Morro Bay!
Morro Bay with a New Moon
Morro Bay
For the last few years, all the ladies dress in PLAID and have a group photo.  Don't know why we started this activity,  but it is fun!
The Ladies in Plaid
Had to go to Jocko's in Nipomo California. Famous restaurant that has been the place to dine on the central coast since 1925.   A large group went there this year again for dinner.
Meesters and Kirbys

Hope the Covid Virus is gone for this fall and our annual trip to Pismo and Morro Bay!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summer in Oregon 2019

We decided to tour the Oregon Coast for a month.  The weather couldn't have been better.  We had sun and very little wind.  The fog even stayed away!  In Newport we ran into a popular fellow in this part of the woods.
Big Foot in Newport
Driving along the coast was very enjoyable.  Even able to find a pull off with a spectacular view to enjoy lunch

We stayed again at Osprey Point in Lakeside. It is close to the ocean but a bit inland and warmer.  The RV park has a bar and pizza place on site!

We also stayed at Turtle Rock RV campground.  We took the mail boat jet boat ride again.  It has been several years since we did that.  This time, we took the long ride up the Rogue River.  It was wonderful.  We saw mink along the river as well as eagles, osprey and elk.

Home for Mice?

Campground overlooking the Rogue

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Havasu Fun 2019

We got off to a late start for Arizona.  Couldn't leave until the end of February because of Momma Jewell's health.  Still; 2 months in Havasu is better than none.

It was almost "end of the season" for our resort when we arrived. Lake Havasu and all of Arizona had a very wet winter this year.  2.5 inches since October!!! That is a lot for them; almost the entire year's worth!.  The desert is green and beautiful.

Colorful Desert



Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus

Ocotillo at Black Meadows

We were able to get a few Razor rides in the desert and enjoy the spectacular bloom this year.   We went out to the desert bloom with about 12 neighbors.
Hiatt's buggy
We also went out with a group from our resort to enjoy the sunset and have a fire and pot luck.  Great time and beautiful sunset.
Cook Out


Our Sunset View Looking Toward California
Every chance we got we took our boat out.   We were able to enjoy a day on the Colorado River with the Frietas', Simard's and Hiatt's.  We took the boats up the Colorado toward Needles and had lunch at Topock 66.  There is a section that is called the "Gorge" and it is beautiful.  You can see parts of the Gorge in the background of the boat pictures. 

Frietas' Boat
Colorado River AZ
Jewell's Boat
Hiatt's Boat
Colorado River near Parker

We were able to spot some wild burros near Parker too.

Our friends; the Matthews from Ontario,  Canada, stayed in our resort for the month of March.  We met them in 2011 on our Alaska retirement cruise.  We try to get together every year or two.  We have met up once in Florida in 2013, at their place near Toronto in 2016 and once before in 2012 in Arizona. 

Monica and Scott Matthews

Topock 66

The last weekend of April there is an annual event called Desert Storm.  The big boats come to town for racing, a poker run and fun in the sun.   Every little and big boat in town is also on the lake.  It is a blast. 
The Bridgewater Channel is Full of Boats on Parade Day
They display the boats on Main Street on the first day

The pontoon boat above was watching the boat races.
I guess you could say they were "DRY DOCKED".
It is May and getting hot.  Time to head home!