Wednesday, March 27, 2013

2013 Winter Trip; Nashville Story and Homeward Bound

Now the rig is turned west and we are getting out before tornado season starts in the Oklahoma/Tennessee area.

We didn’t get far before we ran into engine trouble.  Walt started to see smoke from the tail pipe off and on.   We looked up International service centers and found one in Nashville.  Cumberland International told us to come right in.  Now the going gets tough!!   We were there 18 days!   We were “fixed” 3 times and sent on our way only have to come right back with the same issue.  Towed again too!!  Hotel life with a cat is not our cup of tea.  Good news, we were stuck in Nashville.  Could be worse places to be stuck.


 Really enjoyed the town.  Did you know they have a Parthenon??  We didn’t either.   It was built for a Centennial Celebration in 1897.

Got to check out the American Pickers store here.  They have a shop here in an old Marathon automobile factory.  Didn’t get to see Mike, Frank or Danielle.  Click on American above to go to their website.


Have you ever seen a bike riding dog with dreadlocks?  We did.  Here he is.

While there, we met a up and coming singer.   Their RV was parked next to ours with her name across the back.  Charee White.  She was recording her second CD and was kind enough to sing for us and give us a CD.  Lovely young lady. We hope she makes it to the big-time.

We headed home a bit later than we wanted to.  Tornado season has started.  Just getting out of here in time.

So, arrived home  April 19th.

Gone 109 days, 8230  miles,  14 states and 1091 gallons of fuel.  We will be home a month and then head out again for our Pacific Northwest trip.

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