Saturday, June 29, 2013

Flathead Lake, Montana and Glacier National Park

We are staying in Lakeside Montana until after the 4th of July. We have a nice park across from the lake. Fireworks are planned for the 4th.

Lots of Osprey nests and fields of mustard. Spectacular scenery.

Glacier National Park is breathtaking! We were here in 1974 when we moved from Boston. We traveled in a Pinto station wagon then because of the gas crisis. Remember that?

We stopped at many of the overlook areas.  One was along McDonald Lake and I was able to capture the reflection of the mountains in the image of the lake. See below.

Weather right now is fantastic. At lake level 85 but up at Glacier it was around 70 and perfect for sightseeing. We did the drive to the "Road to the Sun".  Waterfalls and glaciers at every turn.

We saw wild horses and big horn sheep.

We have only been here a few days.  I am sure we will enjoy our stay at Glacier National Park!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Where is Greybull Wyoming?

We left Jackson Hole and traveled thru Yellowstone exiting the East entrance.  Needed to go over the Sylvan Pass at 8500 feet. Good roads thankfully.  Plan was to stay in Cody but we went on to Greybull a few miles more.  Stayed in the KOA there.  It was the second KOA in the nation.  A couple from the Netherlands bought it a few years ago and they have made it really nice.  Wonderful warm pool, big level pull thrus.  As former full time RVers, they know how to set up a nice campground.  Be sure to check this place out it you find yourself in this neck of the woods.  Click on KOA below to go to their website.

Lots to see around there too. Wild horses, dinosaur tracks, petroglyphs.

Leaving for Gillette we went over the Powder River Pass in the Big Horn Mountains 9666 feet.  The jake break sure came in handy on the way down!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

FMCA rally is almost over

We will be headed to Montana in the morning.  We have had fun here in Gillette.  2300 rigs here for the convention.  My head is spinning from all the computer classes I have taken.  Movie Maker, Picasa, how to make a blog, smartphone, google maps to name a few.  If you ever attend an FMCA rally and see classes given by Geeks on Tour, be sure to attend. Check out their website by clicking the word Geeks above.

We have looked at coaches.  We also bought a week in Refuge RV and Golf resort in Lake Havasu for a good price. We will use it next spring.  More once we reach Montana.

Our Next RV

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Jewell's First Blog

We are at the FMCA Rally in Gillette Wyoming.  Many of the seminars we attended are on topics like photo editing, smartphone technology, wifi versus cellular connectivity, etc.  One course was on how to set up your own BLOG.  We were impressed with how easy it was to set up and we think it will be a good way to catalog our travels and share our experiences with our family and friends.

So, our BLOG name is Jewell On Tour and our web address is

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Jackson Hole Wyoming, Teton and Yellowstone National Parks

We spent 3 days here.  Wonderful views.  Mountains, streams and lakes amazing.  Saw elk, prong horn deer and buffalo.  Didn't get to see any bears.

Experienced our first hail storm in Jackson Hole.  No damage thankfully.

We enjoyed the Tetons more than Yellowstone.  Found it to be much more picturesque.

Jenny Lake was beautiful.  There is a very small chapel in Grand Teton park called the Chapel of Transfigration.  Here is a picture from inside of the chapel looking at the Tetons.