Sunday, June 23, 2013

Where is Greybull Wyoming?

We left Jackson Hole and traveled thru Yellowstone exiting the East entrance.  Needed to go over the Sylvan Pass at 8500 feet. Good roads thankfully.  Plan was to stay in Cody but we went on to Greybull a few miles more.  Stayed in the KOA there.  It was the second KOA in the nation.  A couple from the Netherlands bought it a few years ago and they have made it really nice.  Wonderful warm pool, big level pull thrus.  As former full time RVers, they know how to set up a nice campground.  Be sure to check this place out it you find yourself in this neck of the woods.  Click on KOA below to go to their website.

Lots to see around there too. Wild horses, dinosaur tracks, petroglyphs.

Leaving for Gillette we went over the Powder River Pass in the Big Horn Mountains 9666 feet.  The jake break sure came in handy on the way down!

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