Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2013 Winter Trip; TIme to Check Out Daytona and the East Coast of Florida

On to Daytona Beach for the Daytona 500!. 

Stayed on Beverly Beach (Flagler) at a wonderful RV spot on the beach.  Since it is both Bike and Daytona week the cost of our site is $1000 a week!!! However, we were able to extend our stay for an entire month for the same price!!!!  What a deal.


Met up with our friends the Meesters’  here.  They are RVers we met 10 years ago from California.  They now live in NC and are here babysitting their granddaughter.  Both of their children are involved in Nascar.  Scott is the engine tuner for Kurt Busch and Kimberly works for the Sprint organization.  We spent one day with them in the infield of the track.
Looked up another of Walt’s buddies from up north.  Kraze Korlacki and his wife Ruthie.  Walt worked with Kraze at the GM plant back in 1968.  They live down here in the city of  Palm Coast now.

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