Sunday, September 14, 2014

Oregon August of 2014: RV Rally and Sister Reunion

We are up in Oregon for a reunion with my two sisters and an  RV Rally in Redmond. 

We met up with our friends the Kirbys at 7 Feathers in Canyonville Oregon.  Then we moved on to Bend for the rally.  We drove along the McKenzie river in Oregon and the scenery is beautiful.  So much water!!!  We went thru the little town called Sisters and had a good view of the 3 Sisters.  3 volcanic peaks in the Cascade range.

The 3 Sisters

7 rigs will go in to the rally together.  We then park next to each other and can set up tables and bar-b-ques.   The rally was very good.  I went to all the Geek classes again.  Patty went too.  She wants to make her own blog when she retires.

Well we spent a fair amount of money as a group.  One new RV, 3 satellites and 2 tow bars. 

The Ingells new Dutch Star

After the rally we headed to Salem to my sister Joanne and Brian's house.   My sister Margaret and her husband Harvey flew in from Texas.  We had a good time.  Weather was great and we rented a pontoon boat on Detroit Lake for a day. 

Captain Brian with Kosmo and Milkyway

Detroit Lake

Joanne and Harvey also went out on a fishing boat from Depoe Bay.  They came home with fish and Dungeness crabs.  We ate and ate and ate!!  Yum.

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