Monday, June 8, 2020

Winter 2020 in the Desert


We drove straight down to Quartzsite first.  We needed to get another solar panel installed and solar installations are a specialty in Quartzsite.  We had unexpected news, our batteries were dying.  Oh well, it's only money.  Now we have a new solar and all new batteries. 

Now on to Yuma for a week.  We haven't been down here since buying our place in Havasu.  We needed to go into Algodonas Mexico for some prescription medicines for friends and family.  Great savings on select medicines.   It is also fun to do a little sight seeing too.

We went back up to Quartzsite on our way up to Havasu.  Going to meet the Kirby's there and the Big White Tent Event is happening now.  There are also lots of Gems and Fossils to look over.  

Great to get down again to Havasu.  This year, we arrived in early January.  Hurray!   We love to see all our winter neighbors again.  We have two neighbors that live here all year!!  They practically have the resort to themselves in the summer heat! .

January was very cool/cold.  Not boat weather for sure.  Judy and her sister braved the February cool for a boat ride.  Judy's spicy Bloody Mary's may have helped.

Our cactus blossoms are always wonderful to see.


Thankfully, it warmed up after that.  We did the usual stuff like Razor rides, bonfires and boating before the Covid curse began.


We had a crazy party in the park.  Called the Trailer Trash Party.  People dressed up in their finest trash clothing and enjoyed a great band too.

We took a drive to Wickenburg to attend a great outdoor art festival.  We finally found just the right wall hanging for our casita.  It is a native depiction of Sun, Rain and Wind.

Sun, Rain and Wind
Arizona didn't lock down as tightly as California and the bay area counties.  It was only late in April that restaurants closed and other restrictions started to occur.

Before the restrictions began, we all went for a bowling experience.  I remember it used to seem effortless.  Now,  to step up and dip down to throw that ball ....hurts!!!!    We all were in the same league.....a low one.   My first game was the lowest score of all....a 38!

  I was able to save face on the next round "when I found my grove". 

Once the Covid restrictions started to be enforced, we only stayed with our small group of friends and were able to socially distance on our boats and when we beached on a nearby beach.  Lots of other boaters had 10+ people on their boats and we counted over 75 boats grouped together on the beach.  Not good.

Hey, Keep Your Distance!!
Even the Boats Were 6 foot Apart!!!
We even had an airplane fly in and land near our beach.

When we needed to start to wear masks we needed to be creative.  We learned on google how to make a great mask and head wrap using men's Fruit of the Loom underwear!!

Judy had the girls over for a craft day.  We made wall hangings, coasters and ROCKS!  I am not artistic at all but was happy with the little cactus garden I was able to paint.

Due to the virus, our friends from North Carolina cancelled their trip to Havasu and my nephew and his family had to cancel as well.  Sure hope next year is better for all of us and this dreaded virus is gone. 

Kirby's stopped by on their way home.  We golfed together and had a treat.  We were ready to tee off and looked behind our tee box and there was a large bob cat!! Beautiful and not intimidated by us at all. Picture is a bit blurry.

Its May, time to go home. 

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