Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013 Winter to Spring Cross Country Trip. Arizona to Texas

We left right after Christmas and headed to Quartzsite to have solar installed on the new 2013 Knight.
Then on to Yuma to spend New Year’s with RV Friends from the Blenders RV group.



Hit the road heading East soon after New Year’s.  Hit some cold weather in Demings, NM.  18 degrees the night we stayed there.

We amended our travel plans to head up to the Dallas area to the MCD shade factory.  Our front shades were not installed correctly by Monaco and they will make them right.  Stayed there for 3 days in their little campground to let some bad weather pass over us.  Off to visit my sister Margaret and her family in the Houston area.  

49ers and Patriots still in the playoffs and we hope for a superbowl match up with those two teams.  First the TEXANS needed to be eliminated.  They were!


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