Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Winter to Spring Cross Country Trip; New Orleans to Florida Keys

Next stop New Orleans.  City is preparing for the Superbowl.  Weather is cold and rainy but you always have a good time in New Orleans. 

Visited the areas flooded by Katrina , above ground cemeteries and ate at Brennan's and Mulate's.  Beignets at Café Du Monde too. 

Our brother-in-law Harvey told us about the WWII museum and it was FANTASTIC!  Don't miss it if you travel there.


Heading to the Keys now.  Meeting our friends from Canada that we met on the Alaska cruise.   Reservations for two weeks in Cudjoe Key at Mile Marker 23.  

Well tootling down I75 the RV just plain lost power!!!!!  Pulled off the side of the road and called CoachNet.  First time being towed in 25 years of Rving.  Since it was a Saturday, we had to be pulled to a “safe spot”, the local Walmart.  Stayed there 2 days and got towed again to Sun State International.  The IPR connection had come loose.  It was a recall.  Stayed in a hotel in Sarasota for 2 days   


We saw Siesta Beach while there and the sand was wonderfully white and very compact and easy to
walk on.

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