Thursday, June 9, 2016

2016 Trip to the Canadian Maritimes. First Leg: California to Michigan

In early June, we left California with the Kirby's heading for the East Coast.  Our destination was the Canadian Maritimes (Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick).  We headed east on Interstate 80.  Hot, hot, hot! 90 degree + and high humidity.  Had afternoon and nighttime thunderstorms in Nebraska and Iowa.  Luckily, no hail.

We are meeting up with another RV couple in Indiana, the Hughes.   They are full time RVer's originally from Washington state.  The rendezvous with the Hughes in Indiana allowed us to visit the "RV Capitol of the World" (Elkhart) and to spend a couple days seeing the RV Museum and the Amish community of  Shipshewana.   We have been to Shipshewana twice before.  It is just wonderful to visit.  I can't get enough of the Amish buggies, dress, farms and adorable children.  They don't use electricity and use horses for travel and farm work.   Their laundry is out to dry on sunny days, exposing all the various sizes of the family.

We stayed right in Shipshewana.  Just after we pulled in, two Amish children and their pony Sally drove up to sell us some pastries and jelly.  They were bare foot and very sweet. Of course we bought both items.

 It was harvest time and we were able to see the Amish harvesting alfalfa.  

We also went to the bulk food store. Lots of buggies here.

From here we headed north to visit the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn Michigan.  It was fantastic!  If you are in this area don't miss it.  Henry Ford did not want any of our important history to be lost; so he bought up historical real estate, cars, trains, etc.  The museum includes Rosa Parks bus, many of the presidential limousines, gadgets from the 50's, 60's, etc. 

The Greenfield Village section of the museum has Edison's laboratory and office, the first house that had electricity, the Wright brother's house, Noah Webster's (dictionary) house to name a few.   They also have lots of running model  T's that were available to ride in.  We all took a ride in one.

 We were there on Father's day and they had their annual car show.  What a treat.

We stayed two days in Dearborn area at Camp Dearborn. It was originally created for the employees of General Motors.  It has RV sites, pools, a beach, fishing pond, soccer fields and large tents you can rent.  When General Motors went through its financial problems the Camp was taken over by the county.  Large sites. We recommend it.

Time to head to Canada!

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