Monday, January 25, 2016

Yuma 2016: A visit with friends

We drove south for the winter just after New Years.  Time to see friends and enjoy summer like sunshine.  We traveled first to Lake Havasu and then on to the big White Tent RV show in Quartzsite AZ.  We usually stop there on our way to Yuma.  Thousands of RVers come here in mid January to attend the show and they usually boondock (no hookups) out on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land.  If its free....its for me.  We can only stand about 3 days and then it is just too much dirt and wind.

On to Yuma where we stay at Fortuna de Oro.  The fuel prices here are insane!!  Wow!!  This is before any discounts you get from the store too.

 Many of our RV friends spend all or part of their winter here.  We enjoy trips to Algodonas Mexico.  Buy un-necessary items and drink margaritas!
We watched the Superbowl together and enjoyed a pot luck dinner. There is a betting pool too. Paula won and the Kirbys too.

Another pastime for the ladies is shopping.  Bealls, Ross, Marshalls here we come.

There are several car shows over the winter period in Yuma.  We went to one at the Palms Resort and found a car just like the one Walt and I drove out from Massachusetts in 1974!!!!  We traveled 24+ states from Boston to San Rafael in a 1974 Pinto Station Wagon!!!  I think we had very simple needs then!!!

After 2 weeks here we are headed up to Lake Havasu.....we have a NEW place to stay!!  See our next blog.

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